DAN SHIPSIDES - CV & contact info




CV & contact




CV / Resume

Orchid Studios
2nd Floor, 44-46 Corporation St
Belfast, BT1 3DE, N. Ireland. UK

Current / Future exhibitions & projects * denotes solo exhibition / project / event

SHEEBANG: Exploring traditional boats with... National Museums Ireland. Our Heritage Life blog.

‘Capturing nature: curious links between flora, fauna, humans, history, medicine, technology, life and art. Past, present and future.’ Curated by Katrina Tracuma, Drawing Box, Lativa. FEB 2025

Selected exhibitions / projects


Butterfly Memory. Group show. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.
Royale Arcade Academy Exhibition.
Curated by Sophia Cambell. Arcade Gallery & Studios. Belfast.
Mother Of Pearl
. Catalyst Arts at 30. Aniversary events and publication.
The Shape of a Pocket. Catalyst Arts. Cutrated by Chris Hanlon and Dougal Mckenzie.
Artist boatbuilders. In conversation Shipsides / Bloomer / Carr. PS2 / DRIFT. Belfast 24.
SHEEBANG: Exploring traditional boats with...National Museums Ireland. Our Heritage Life blog.
The Long View. Conference presentation. Countryside Education Trust. New Forest, England. Co convened by Dr Melanie Rose (West Dean College of Arts and Conservation and University of Leeds) and Laura Eldret (More Than Ponies and UWE Bristol).
Drawing as Nature. SECA. Public plein-air drawing workshops April / May 2024 ongoing.
Connecting with / as Nature. Panel talk, exhibition and workshop. REACH Festival of Art and Sustainability. QUB, Belfast.
Gospel of the Swamp Things Shipsides and Beggs Projects. ABRIDGED Projects from Dec 2023.

Gospel of the Swamp Things Shipsides and Beggs Projects. ABRIDGED Projects, Derry
The Art of Resistance
Save Our Sperrins fundraiser. 2 Royal Avenue, Belfast
Group show, Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast
Connecting with Nature.
SECA. Public plein-air drawing workshops, Belfast*
ha ha Syzygetically Speaking Cathedral Quarter Art Festival public artworks. Belfast*
ha ha Syzygetic Summitt Stammers (Bearnagh)
Green Room / Black Box, Belfast*
Amalgama Group show. ADEMA / Fundacion Barcelo. Palma, Mallorca. Spain
Wall Sculptures. Group show. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.

Shipsides & Beggs Art & Education Workshops. ADEMA. Palma, Mallorca. Spain.
Syzygetic Experiment No. 5 Dan Shipsides and friends. Tivoli Fringe Festival, Belfast.
Changing Group Show. Galley 1. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.
Dance the Ghosts. 0-88 ABRIDGED Publication. Derry.
Ukraine Refugee Fundraiser Exhibition The Engine Room Gallery, Belfast.

Changing Group Show. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.
We are Collected. Seminar. Freelands Programme for PS2, Talbot Rice, Site Gallery, G39.
What We Didn’t Know Was…Dan Shipsides / Shipsides & Beggs Projects. Fenderesky Gallery*
From Deep Blue to Pale Blue. BBC Radio 3 commissioned podcast.*
Drawing the Unknown
. Group show Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.
Portrait of Northern Ireland: neither an elegy nor a manifesto
. Group show commissioned by the NI Office. GTGallery, Belfast.

Another Fine Mess. Shipsides & Beggs Projects. American University Museum at the Katzen Art Center, Washington DC. USA (inc. premiere of the Where the Lines End moving image work and prototype of The Crossings music/audio work.*
The Sky is Blue.Group show inc. Shipsides & Beggs Projects. Curated by Emma-Lucy O’Brien, Jo Mangan Carlow and Katie Holten. VISUAL CARLOW. 
Comings and going on the long journey home. Marianne Vieulès + Shipsides & Beggs Projects. Curated by Jean Bonichon. La Metive, Moutier d'ahun, France. 
Drawing the Unknown
. Group show Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.

Wabash Cannonball - Charcoal, Iron, Crystal, Granite. Impact study / Tall Tale
Shipsides and Beggs Projects. T5 Field Cinema. Bbeyond Citizengage. Belfast
Shunt - Shunting - Shunted. Group exhbition. 40mCube HubHug, Liffre, France
Changing Group Show
. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast
On the Surface of Things. Group show in support of Extinction Rebellion. Access Space, Sheffield
There is no Time For Music. Shipsides and Beggs Projects. Palais Jacques, Bourges, France

Zombie Line, Wire & the Wheel.Dan Shipsides / SBP. New Spaces. T5 Field Cinema Walled Brewery site (Ebrington Barracks), Derry. Curated by Alice Butler.
Decimation in A-flat and F-minor.
Shipsides & Beggs composition performed by Caroline Scotton. La Cuisine, France.
Catalyst Audio Tracks @ SARC.
Catalyst Arts. Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast
Artists who do music, Musicians who do Art.
Shipsides & Beggs Projects. Group exhibition curated by Ross Sinclair. Queens Park Railway Club, Glasgow.
Notes on Pata-perception presentation at the Alternative University. Dan Shipsides. Cresent Arts Centre, Belfast (in support of the UCU stike - teach in).
Miscellaneous. Dan Shipsides / SBP. Solo exhibition. Fenderesky Gallery Belfast.*
Changing Group Show. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.
Mount Florida Screenings, Screening Dan Shipsides' Three Points Down to Zero, CCA Glasgow.
GLASSHOUSE . Flax Art/Orchid Studios group exhibition, Shankill Library Gallery, Belfast.
Lament of the Accolade Tree.Shipsides & Beggs Projects. Solo show, La Cuisine Centre, France*

PORT/RIVER/CITY T5 Field Cinema screenings. Dublin. AEMI.
PORT/RIVER/CITY AEMI Moving Image commission. Dublin Docklands.
LAND2 / CMIT Symposium. Sheffield Hallam University. Pata-perception and the COVE.
Changing Group Show
. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.
PRE-FIX. Decimation in D. Shipsides and Beggs Projects.Organised by Catalyst Arts and Microclima in the Giardini at the Venice Biennale.
Puisque vous partez en voyage 2007-2017. Nottanum.
SBP. Collectif R. Nantes. France.
Group show including new works by Shipsides and Beggs Projects
GLASSHOUSE III. Shankill Library Gallery, Belfast. Group show.
Black Church Process selected artist 2016/2017. Black Church Print Studios, Dublin.
The Cove. Stage performance of collaborative work with Echo Echo Dance. National tour.*
Tour dates and venues: http://echoechodance.com/projects/the-cove

No Shooting in this Area. Wave Frontier, Shipsides and Beggs Projects, Dan Shipsides and Neal Beggs in collective show at Le Bel Ordinaire, Espace d'art contemporain, French Pyrenees. New audio/music work, drawings, video and sculpture.
Kendal International Mountain Festival. Dan Shipsides / Shipsides and Beggs Projects Misadventures and some notes on pata-perception. Exhibition at the Brewery Arts Centre and screenings and talk as part of the festival.
Performing Landscape - Mountains. Art and climbing symposium. Performative lecture. Leeds Stage. Leeds University.
Difference Screen: Touring video programme: Art Museum of Gotland. Vol de Nuits, Marseille. Kriterion Kino, Sarajevo. etc.
Changing Group Show. Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast.
Black Church Process selected artist 2016/2017. Black Church Print Studios, Dublin.
GLASSHOUSE II. Shankill Library Gallery, Belfast. Group show.

STILL NOT OUT OF THE WOODS. Shipsides & Beggs Projects. L'Orangerie, Espace d'art Contemporain Bastogne, Belgium.*
Vanishing Futures. Collective Histories of Northern Irish Art XII. Golden Thread Gallery
Shankill Library Gallery, Belfast. Group show
OUT IN THE OPEN Household. Site specific talk. Belfast
Performance Art + Northern Ireland. Golden Thread Gallery. (Featuring The Stone Bridge)
. Centre Culturel Irlandais. Paris.*
Art of the Troubles.
Group survey show. Wolverhampton Gallery
Fitter, Happier More Productive. Source Arts Centre, Thurles. Curated by Annette Moloney
AMINI (Artist Moving Image Northern Ireland) Video screenings and forum. Platform Arts Belfast
Gothic Cinema.
Shipsides and Beggs. Chateau Gontier, France
Autohypnosis CD27. Curated audio artwork CD. Mute Sound. Zaragoza, Spain

LITTLE KINGDOMS - BUDA. Catalyst Arts, Belfast
Shankill Library Gallery, Belfast. Group show.
Re-staging collaborative work with Echo Echo Dance. Echo Echo Dance Theatre Derry-Londonderry
Art of the Troubles.
Group survey show. Ulster Museum, Belfast
Sonic Vigil 8
. National Sculpture Factory and The Guesthouse, Cork.
Difference Screen:
Touring video programme: Art Museum of Gotland. Vol de Nuits, Marseille. Kriterion Kino, Sarajevo. etc.
Belfast International Performance Art Festival.
Glass Box. Belfast School of Art.
The Far Away Nearby. Group survey show. F.E. McWilliam Gallery. Banbridge.

CATALYST ARTS: Collective Histories of Northern Irish Art X. Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
DESIRE LINES. ACCA, Melbourne Australia. 2012. Solo commission and group show. Curated by Juliana Engberg
DREAM CATCHER: Neal Beggs/Shipsides & Beggs Projects. Galerie Dourven, France.*
FRONTIERS & OTHER SONGS OF FREEDOM Neal Beggs/Shipsides & Beggs Projects
CIAC, Carros, France. *
Walking the Line. Drawing symposium and exhibition research project. LICA. Lancaster
Difference Screen: Touring video programme: Clearwell Caves, MNMAG Ulaanbaatar, ARKO Seoul, Artisterium 6 Tbilisi
Act of Portrayal. Limerick City Gallery of Art. Group show. Selected work from the National Portrait Collection
A Company of Mountains. Commissioned blog by Alec Finlay http://www.company-of-mountains.com

DESIRE LINES. ACCA, Melbourne Australia.2012. Solo commission* / group show. Curated by Juliana Engberg.
Collaboration with Echo Echo Dance co. Touring N. Ireland (Legacy Trust, ACNI funded project).*
. The MAC, Belfast, Solo show.*
EVILSPORT and ULTRA RUN. Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London. Two person show with Veronique Chance.
Kunstart 2012, Biennial Art Fair for Emerging Contemporary Art, Bolzano, Italy.
Public commission 16m HVS 4c+. Permanent public art commission. INISHOWEN X 100- Artslink, Donegal, Ireland.
RUST, Abridged publications issue 0-26. Aug 2012

BIVACCO | STAR. Dan Shipsides (& SBP). The Third Space Gallery, Belfast. Solo show.*
LIMITS. Alletrope Press. Edition 4. Alletrope publishing, Belfast.
VERTICAL.NATURE.BASE. Collaboration with Echo Echo dance co. Legacy Trust, Donegal/Derry. *
Dan Shipsides screenings.
Curated by Miguel Amado. Abrons Art Center. New York.*
Aliceday Gallery Brussels. Dan Shipsides / Shipsides and Beggs Projects. (Dan Shipsides Solo show
Long way to Paradise. Supermassiveblackhole. PhotoIreland Festival, Dublin.
Long way to Paradise. Supermassiveblackhole. Belfast Photo Festival.

WE BUY GOLD. Group show. The Third Space Gallery, Belfast.
DEATH TO DELAWAB. Group show, Delawab Art Space, Belfast. Shipsides and Beggs Projects.
All over the place. (Montgros 32days) The Stanley & Audrey Burton, Leeds. Land2 Group show.
Next chapter.JEMA at Raccolte Frugone Museum, Italy. Group show.
Next chapter.JEMA at GTG, Belfast. Group show.
Re: Public. (6star) Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin. Phase 2 commission. Group show. Curated by Daniel Jewesbury.
Politics & Public Space
Issue~4. www.supermassiveblackholemag.com
Dark Mountain. (San Lorenzo Direct) Film programme / exhibition. www.dark-mountain.net
Art Rebels. Catalyst Arts. Ex-directors group show. Belfast.
Next chapter. JEMA at GTG Belfast, Group show.
Next chapter. JEMA at Raccolte Frugone Museum, Italy. Group show.
All over the place. (Montgros 32days) The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery. Leeds. Land2 group show.

The Munter Hitch. Two person show with Seamus Harahan. GTgallery, Belfast.
. Art School Generation, Bouy Park. MA Art in Public project. Belfast
Visual Force. GTG Belfast. Curated by Slavka Sverakova.
Pan 360. Mermaid Centre, Bray, Dublin, Ireland Solo show.*
T5 field cinema . Project launch at Fix 09 live art Biennial, Catalyst Arts Belfast.
Figuring Landscapes. Group exhibition. Ivan Doherty Gallery COFA Sydney , Australia.
Figuring Landscapes Tate Modern. Video programme and symposium.
Figuring Landscapes. Touring video programme. UK and Australia. Inc. Dundee Contemporary Arts, Showroom - Sheffield, Chapter Arts - Cardiff, Bureau - Salford, Vivid - Birmingham, Cinematheque - Brighton, Hull Short Film festival and FACT - Liverpool. Then Australia inc. Gallery Modern Art, Brisbane. Curated by Catherine Elwes.


Users' End. Group show (with Denicolai & Provoost, Geys, Beggs, Moore) Be-Part Gallery, Waregem, Belgium.
Art, Media and Contested Spaces. Public art billboard project. Interface, Belfast.
All over the place. Group show. UWE, Bristol.
Figuring Landscapes. Group show. Artsway. The New Forest. Touring - see below
Ardous intent. (The Hanging) Tulca 2008. Group show (collab. with Neal Beggs and Tibaut Espiau). Galway Arts Centre.
Echo Valley / A Guiding Dilemma Touchstone Testpiece AHRC project. Void Gallery. Derry. Solo.*
Soundeye. Festival of words. Group show. Cork. Curated by Fergal Gaynor.
Games & Theory. Group Show. South London Gallery. Curated by Kit Hammonds.
Embedded. Group show. Gimpel Fils. London. Curated by David Waterworth.
Colloquium on Creativity and Walking. Screening. School of Design, University of Leeds.
Drawing a line. Group show. International Photography Gallery of Haerbin, China.


Radical Architecture.Castlefield Gallery (curated by Salford Restoration Office) Manchester. Solo show.*
The Double Image.
Curated by Dougal Mckenzie. GTgallery group show. Belfast
Art Rocks (Hillsborough Mountain Film Festival). Hillsborough, N.Ireland.*
Visual Deflections. Roxy Bar and Screen, London. Video screenings.
High Ground. Shepherd's Hut, Campsie, Glasgow.*
Movements of distraction. Videoism #8, Mains d'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, Group show, France.
Somethings you may have missed. GtGallery, Group show, Belfast.
New Art from Northern Ireland. Katzen Arts center, Group show, Washington.
Let's get High. Social outreach and billboard project. GtGallery, Belfast.
Malmeter scale (Route 95 Bruxelles) Public text work. BruxellesBravo art festival. Group show.


Elastic Frontiers.Solo project. Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol.*Curated by Micheal Prior.
Wings Art Project Space, Geneva, Switzerland. With Uriel Orlow.Curated by Victoria Preston
Uneasy Spaces. Group show. 80 Washington Sq. East Gallery. New York. Curated by Liz Wells
Exchange places. Belfast / Quebec exchange.Pessimism / Optimism (Sadshel). Performance.
Under plattan, ängen! Konsthall C / Lava Kulturhuset. Stockholm, Sweden.* Curated by Finbar Rossato
Drawing a line Grove gallery, St Patrick’s centre Downpatrick. Group show.
Breathing Ground Coed Hills rural art project. Group show. Wales.
Beauty Queens Art Gallery of Newfoundland, Canada. International touring show.
Flat pack vertigo Galerie Wandlebar. Solo exhibition. Gstaad, Switzerland.*
Masters MFA 25yrs on. Group show. OBG Belfast.


24-7 Dwell Temporary public art project. Parliamentary triangle. Canberra. Australia.
No topless bathing - Belfast has suffered enough. Sala Naranja, Valencia, Spain.
In Place of Passing Bbeyond. International performances. North Antrim Coast.
Four Now ACNI & Arts Council Ireland collection - selector for Glucksman Gallery Cork.
Beyond landscape Royal West Academy. Lan2d Group show. Bristol.
Beauty Queens Art Gallery of Victoria, Canada. International touring show.
LOT. Posters pints pies Poster show. Group show. Bristol.
*Performance on an edge Circa art magazine. Spring 2005 issue.
The Belfast Way Museum of Herzilya, Israel.Curated by Sergio Edelzstein


Hit & Run ( Manta ray / San Lorenzo ) Smart Project Space / Platform, Istanbul.
Beyond landscape Deanclough Halifax.Lan2d.
Thinking of Ideas Group show. Golden Thread Galley, Belfast.
Beauty Queens Confederation Centre Gallery, PEI Canada. Touring group show.
Retreat Citylights, Any minute now, group show, Melbourne Australia.
European Space International Sculpture Quadrennial. Riga, Latvia.
Frieze revolution / Rochers à Fontainebleau HEDAH.Solo show. Maastricht.*
Beta. GtGallery. Belfast.*
The Short Span Millennium Court gallery. Portadown. N. Ireland*
Rogues gallery Catalyst Arts, Belfast.


*Rochers à Fontainebleau Context Gallery, Derry.
Radio Radio Radio broadcast Pioneers: Curated by B Haines / D Chennell. London.
Think Over Rialto Santambrogio. Rome.
*Pioneers Temple Bar Gallery. Dublin.
Pioneers Source photographic magazine. Inc. audio CD.
Bridges Lan2d. University of Western England. Group show.
Vacuum - Raffle Fundraising exhibition. Belfast Exposed.
Edelweiss Centre Chorégraphic National de Montpellier, France.
New additions. National Self-Portrait Collection. Limerick. Ireland.
Videoserver Smart Project Space. Liste03 Basel. Switzerland.
Factotum presents. Context Gallery, Derry.
The National Gallery Return Gallery, Goethe Institute, Dublin.
The Quest of the Golden Fleeced Vacuum issue 3. Publication, Belfast.


Art+Mountains conquistadors of the useless Alpine Club, London.Curated by Bruce Haines / Paul Claydon
Endure Smart Project Space, Amsterdam.Blood Cell Sequence / Swammerdam groove.
20/20 Group show. Temple Bar Gallery. Dublin.
Cluster Bowes Bar, Temple Bar Gallery project, Dublin.
NIFCA / Network North Residency. Faroe Isles.*
Appropriation OBG, Belfast.Curated by Hugh Mulholland
Precinct Billboard project. Catalyst Arts. Belfast.
Cast Oriel Mostyn Open. Llandudno, Wales.
09061337770 Proposition Gallery. Belfast.*


EV+A Limerick. Ireland.
It’s all over, again Proposition Gallery, Belfast.
The way to Cold Mountain Morning Star publications. Edinburgh.
Place in the Market Transfer Market. Bbeyond. St. Georges Market, Belfast.
National Live Art Review platform Catalyst Arts, Belfast.


Sporting Life 2000 Sydney Olympics Arts Festival. MCA, Sydney, Australia. Curated by Rachel Kent
Sydney Rock Climbing Club 50th Anniversary after dinner talk. Katoomba,Australia.*
Bamboo Support Nissan Art Project for the Millenium. IMMA. Dublin.*
The notice day in this factory isThursday Consortium, Amsterdam
Perspective 2000 OBG. Belfast. Curated by Lyne Cooke
Same as last year Proposition Gallery Belfast.
Dopplarity Bank Tube Station and Hiscox Gallery. London.
The notice day in this factory isThursday Golden Thread Gallery. Belfast.


barbie on the beach Group show. Proposition Gallery, Belfast.
Performing generations Art Gallery of Victoria, Canada.
Passport Morning Star publication, Edinburgh.
Culture / Nature Gimpel Fils Gallery. London.
Culture / Nature Hales Gallery. London.
HorseHead International public art project. Belfast.
Signs of Life Melbourne International Biennial, Australia. Curated by Juliana Engberg
The Grotesquesness of Desire insideART gallery. Chicago.
Performing generations group show. Art Gallery of Mississuaga/Toronto.
Studio workings University of Ulster. ex-MFA students. Belfast.


Perspective 98 Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast.
MUU festival video screening. Helsinki.
V/O Catalyst Arts group collaboration.Belfast.
Hardline Catalyst Arts, Belfast. Group exhibition - drawings.
Fables of Desire Video screening Fix 98. Belfast.
Radar Generator. Dundee. collaboration with R. McKinley.
The green man. R.A.P. Limerick.
Reverend Tods Full House Grassy Knoll, Belfast.
Still to Real Transmission Gallery, Glasgow.
Inca Trail Slide exhibition. Transmission Gallery. Stockholm Art Fair. Sweden.


Under a frogs arse at the bottom of a coalmine Catalyst Arts, Belfast 2 person show.
No.11 John Cabot Close Moving. City Projects. Bristol.
Connected Northern gallery for Contemporary art. Sunderland.
In from the outside Site gallery, part of Elastic frontiers. Sheffield.
The last minute Time based/video Festival. Cooper Gallery, Dundee.
*Between margin and the main Context gallery, Derry.
Burgwedel e.v. Irish & Scottish art Hanover, Germany.
Phooey!! 3 Month Gallery. Video installation. Liverpool. Two person show.
*Bivouac Belfast Exposed Gallery. Belfast.
Tutor with an idea 3 Month Gallery. Liverpool.
2 ½ years from now MFA. Belfast.
Antimatter 3 Month Gallery. Video screenings. Liverpool.
Video cats - Catalyst Arts. Video artists - touring compilation show. Belfast.
Art 97 London art fair. Representing / presenting Catalyst Arts. London.
Proposition Proposition Gallery, Belfast. 3 person show.


Open plan Catalyst Arts, group members show. Belfast.
Splatter site specific group exhibition. Crawfordsburn Hse. N. Ireland.
Tangled Ross’ Court Gallery, 3 week performance. Belfast.
House Style Bedroom Gallery,. Belfast.
Disinformation project Leeds.
Stain Bedroom Gallery, Installation. Belfast.*
Oceanic Chat Noir gallery, 3 person show. London.

Awards & Commissions

Cathederal Quarter Arts Festival Visual Artist Award 2023
Artist Experimental Moving Image. Port: River: City Commission. 2017
ACCA (Australian Centre Contemporary Art), Desire Lines Commission. 2012
Creative Partnership / Arnolfini. Elastic Frontiers Commission. 2006
AHRC Landscape and Environment award.2006-07
ACNI New York short residency 2006
ACNI Major artist award 2004-05
Can Serrat. Residency Award, Catalonia 2004
AHRB Fellowship 2001-4
Nissan Art Award. IMMA. Dublin 2000
Perspective Award. OBG Belfast 1998
ACNI Individual Artist Award 2007, 2003, 2001, 1998
ACNI Travel Awards 2006 New York, 2003 Rome, 2002 Faroes
New Projects award 2003. Arts Council of Ireland
Artflight awards: 2000 Amsterdam, 1997 New York
Visual arts bursary , Arts Council of Ireland 1999
Material / documentation award, The Arts Council of Ireland 1999
Go See Award, Arts Council Of Ireland 1998


2001 - 2004 AHRB Post Grad. Research Fellowship. School of Art, University of Ulster.
96 - 97 MFA. Fine Art. Belfast. Distinction.
95 - 96 PGDip. Fine Art. Belfast. Distinction.
90 - 93 BA Hon. Fine Art. Leeds.
88 - 90 Blackpool College of Art.

Teaching / Public Talks

CMIT Conference: Pata-perception. Shefield Hallam University. 2017.
Kendal International Mountain Festival. Artist / Climber Lecture. 2016.
Performative lecture. Performing Landscape / Mountains. Leeds Stage. Leeds University. 2016.
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow 2006.
Visiting lecturer NCAD, Dublin 2014.
Visiting lecturer. Goldsmiths CAL, London 2012.
Visiting lecturer. Falmounth 2008.
Lecturer in Art & Design. University of Ulster. 2007 - cont.
Research Fellow and Visiting lecturer, University of Ulster. 1997 - 2007.
External examiner Limerick Inst. Design and Technology 2004 - 2008.
Visiting lecturer GSA, Glasgow 2006.
Visiting lecturer NCAD, Dublin 2000.
Visiting Lecturer Limerick College of Art 1999, 2000.
Visiting Lecturer UNSW Sydney, Australia 2002.
Canberra School of Art. Australia 2000, 2005.
Visiting lecturer Sligo College of Art 1997.


Monash University Melbourne. ACCA short term production residency. 2012
Echo Echo. Vertical. Nature. Base. Port a Doris, Donegal Ireland. 2011
ACNI New York - short term residency. 2006
Konsthal C Stockholm, Sweden 2005 and 2006.
Galerie Wandelbar, Gstaad, Switzerland 2005.
Can Serrat. Residency, Barcelona, Catalonia 2004.
AHRB Fellowship University of Ulster 2001-2004.
Network North Residency. Faroe Isles 2002.
MCA / Sydney Rock Climbing Club, Australia 2000.
Catalyst Arts @ IMMA Artist Works Programme, Dublin 1998.

Positions / memberships

2005 - 2014 Fire Station International Studios. Board member. Dublin.
2002-2007 Directors / board committee Bbeyond, Belfast.
2004 - 2007 Research Fellow. University of Ulster, Belfast.
2001 - 2008 Maiden Voyage Board member. ( Dance organisation ), Belfast.
2001 - 2004 AHRB Research Fellowship. University of Ulster.
1997 - 2003 OBG Gallery technician, Belfast.
1997 - 1999 Catalyst Arts Co director, Belfast.
1996 - 2017 Orchid Studios. Co Director. Belfast.
1995 - 1996 Disinformation member. Leeds.
1993 Oblong Studios. Founder member. Leeds.
1990 - 1995 Lakadayzk, Rug and Box band member. Leeds.





