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Ben Corr - click to enlarge


Lambda prints on dibond (dimensions variable - approx 120 x 100cm)
Audio CD, headphones, display housing.

Byzantium installation view

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1 My First Climb 2.25min (2.2MB)
2 Nightmare, Prelude and Fanfare 5.14min (4.9MB)
3 Fall on Quartz Gully 2.16min (2MB)
4 Life Began 3.08min (3MB)
5 Peter Kenny, Delta Face and the Milk Bottle 5.07min (4.8MB)
6 No Fear 1.16min (1.1MB)
7 The Short Span 2.06min (2MB)
8 Pine Tree Buttress 3.25min (3.2MB)
9 In Absentia 2.48min (2.6MB)
10 Ploughshare 1.35min (1.5MB)
12 Protection 3.26min (3.2MB)
13 Quartz Gully 1.30min (1.4MB)
14 Scimitar Crack 1.27min (1.3MB)
15 Spillikin Ridge 4.41min (4.4MB)
16 Byzantium 3.59min (3.7MB)
18 In search of Alpine Flowers 1.51min (1.7MB)
19 Ghengis Khana 2.00min (1.9MB)

An audio and photographic project which focuses on the development of rock-climbing routes in Ireland. Primarily based around conversations recorded with two of the most active climbers from the 1940s to 1960s period, Frank Winder and Elizabeth Healy, Pioneers creates a topographical and human narrative documenting a new type of landscape beginning to be defined at that time in the Irish mountains. Winder and Healy represent the Republic’s first generation of rock climbers – the first to be in a position to take advantage of a change in economical and leisure conditions in order to physically engage with the landscape in a way not due to economic or other necessity.

As described in the audio, the landscape was literally felt out with their fingertips exploring handholds, finger-cracks and employing particular climbing movements. These details highlight Frank and Elizabeth’s own sense of creativity - that their actions, their minds and bodies were creating or making something new. In that they are created and named, the routes themselves reflect and may exist as “artworks”. They can be read in terms individual style, technique, context and vision and can claim their place in cultural history. Through the sense of exploration and endeavor these climbers’ landscapes echo aspects of the modernist ideal but here they do so with a different poetic, one which is gentle, witty and reflective. It may be topical to compare the “national” mountaineering effort or ethic of the Irish Republic with the more bombastic efforts of older nations during that period. The activity of these climbers offers a “modern” representation of the Irish landscape and provides a contrast with the sense of “native belonging” found in many post-independence visions of Ireland’s natural landscape.


The work is in two editions: one first exhibited at Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin and the other was published simultaneously in Source magazine. For Source magazine the images were reproduced and accompanied by an audio CD to be played while the images are viewed.

The audio tracks do not aim to constitute an accurate document, rather they presents the indelible memory of significant moments, friendships and places alongside nostalgic and less fixed reminiscences of that period.

Luggala - Pine Tree Buttress

Lough Belshade - click to enlarge

Glendolough - goat


Dalkey Quarry


Beauty Queens
Newfoundland, Canada. Touring group show. 2006
Beauty Queens
Art Gallery of Victoria,Canada. Touring group show. 2005
Beauty Queens
Confederation Centre Gallery, PEI Canada. Touring group show. 2005
Beta. Solo exhibition. GtGallery. Belfast. 2004
The Short Span Solo exhibition. Millennium Court gallery. Portadown. N. Ireland. 2004
Radio Radio
Radio broadcast Audio Pioneers: Curated by B Haines / D Chennell. London. 2003
Pioneers Solo exhibitionTemple Bar Gallery. Dublin. 2003
Pioneers Source photographic magazine. Inc. audio CD. 2003