DAN SHIPSIDES - Pan 360 - Landscape
Pan 360 - Landscape 2008/9
This series of short landscape based video was made by attaching a modified camera to an 8meter leash and whirling it through the space above and around the artist’s body.
The series was made between 2007 and 2010 was created in habitually accessed places throughout Europe and the US but with most being made in and around the coasts and mountains of Ireland and Scotland as a by-product of climbing or mountaineering activities.
This simple activity of production dissolves conventional landscape scenes or views into sequences of dramatic visual activity where the landscape image is literally put into a spin. The raw video-scapes and audio combine both the performative aesthetic activity - of selecting location, spinning, speed, timing and stamina - with the beautiful concordant / discordant footage of the environment. The effect merges the figure and landscape by embedding the possibilities and limitations of technology within the physicality of situated actions – creating simple artworks which avoid the organizing principles of the static or single frame and viewpoint.The Pan 360 series was first exhibited in the Ardous Intent show (TULCA
2008) and then as a full body of work they were exhibited in 2009 at the Pan 360 exhibition
This ongoing series currently consists of the following works:
Coir' a' Ghrunnda 360
2007 (1st exhibited 2008) SD video 1.50min
Burren full moon 360
2008 SD video 1.41min
Sasso Rosso 360
2009 SD video 1.51min
Cap de Sant Antonio 360
2006 (1st exhibited 2008) SD video 1.55min
Carraroe 360
2008 SD video 2.10min
Ballysallagh 360
2008 SD video 1.58min
Spitzhorn 360
2005 (1st exhibited 2009) SD video 1.50min
Aillade, Burren 360
2007 (1st exhibited 2009) SD video 1.45min
Kinder Scout 360
2007 (1st exhibited 2009) SD video 2.03min
Mt Laraci 360
2009 SD video 1.59min
Cioch 360
2007 (1st exhibited 2009) SD video 1.37min
Sentiero Carlo Guzzella 360
2009 SD video 1.42min
Slieve Meelaghmore 360
2008 SD video 1.27min
White Park Bay 360
2006 (1st exhibited 2008) SD video 1.10min
Cregagh Hill 360
2007 (1st exhibited 2008) SD video 1.56min
Gyllyngvase Beach 360
2007 (1st exhibited 2008) SD video 1.56min
Lenan Bay 360
2009 SD video 1.55min
Portpatrick 360
2008 SD video 1.55min
Slieve Binnian 360
2008 SD video 2.03min
Cave Hill 360
2008 SD video 1.56min
Bray Head 360
2009 SD video 1.52min
Featured in:
Figuring Landscapes Tate Modern + UK & Austraila tour 2009. Video programme and symposium. Curator Catherine Elwes.
Pan 360. Mermaid Art Centre Bray, Dublin, Ireland. Solo show. 2009
Ardous Intent. (The Hanging) Tulca 2008. Group show (collab. with Neal Beggs and Tibaut Espiau). Galway Arts Centre.