DAN SHIPSIDES - 09061337770
5 lambda prints on dibond - dimensions variable
3 sculpted models - polystyrene, MDF and fittings
18 AO photocopies and bulldog clips
09061337770 is the phone number of the automated surf report for the North Antrim Coast (you should give it a call - it's interesting!)
Click chart drawings to enlarge:
Surf chart drawings from the 09061337770 project. A0 photocopies, bulldog clips.
09061337770 is the phone number of the automated surf report for the North Antrim Coast.
09061337770 was developed over 18 months at surfing breaks and beaches mainly on the North Antrim coastline.
It involved a practical form of research developing activities within surfing to generate spatial narrative and structures. I developed a practice from the sport of surfing where as a surfer I'd spend a short period of time before surfing watching the wave breaks. The break is studied in order to ascertain the location, frequency, size, direction and shape of breaking waves along with current and tidal flow.
I extended this process so that such information was collected during 10 minute drawing studies using a notational/chart system which I devised for the purpose. Over the 18months I built up an archive of over 25 drawings.
The project also included photographic images and polystyrene carved models of the memory of specific waves.
Models of waves carved in polystyrene romantically represent memories of being there - developing a relationship between memory and the creative process.
Photographs of various breaks in a variety of conditions elude to both a romantic tradition of the sea-scape and also a known engaged place to which one can add an albeit temporary sense of belonging. The temporary structures observed and created sketch out a form of culture at the fringes of our inhabited environment. They acknowledge a body of understanding inherent in a sport which gives cultural currency to wave shapes and systems.
Achill wave memory.
White Park Bay - small carve
Whiterock - big big big
West Strand - low low
East Strand - sweeper
Ballentrae - wall on wall
09061337770 Proposition Gallery. Belfast. 2001
Drawing a line. Group show. International Photography Gallery of Haerbin, China.